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Transform your Life, Health & Wellbeing


When we make support welcome -

Are you ready to experience LESS...fear, stress, anxiety, exhaustion, self doubt, & frustration?

Are you ready to experience MORE...freedom, joy, self expression, and fulfillment? 


Michele Hindmarsh MSN RN NC-BC

I have spent the last 25+ years focused on the caring and healing of others. Serving as an Oncology and ER nurse, Life & Health Coach, Healthcare Executive, and Performance Improvement Specialist, I have burned the candle from both ends, and everywhere in between.

I've supported individual healing, created integrated holistic programs, formed powerful, high-functioning TEAMS, and coached highly successful leaders, creatives and individuals. 

I have fervently strived, struggled, & succeeded...

I have created, collaborated, led, fled and flailed - I am human.


Who I am, really...I am a mother of two extraordinary daughters & wife to a phenomenal husband. I've loved deeply, nearly lost a child, struggled with self doubt and serious illness. I've survived stage IV cancer, and deeply served those with similar struggles. My healing journey has led to intensive self-exploration and a PASSION to guide and serve others.

My path has been a twisting-winding one, rich with self-discovery and nuances of what it means to live in coherenceExperiencing a felt sense of being a unified align with my heart and realize my true gifts, callings, passions, and reason for being. 


It is my honor to co-create a path to radical transformation, increased joy and an EXPONENTIAL life with my clients...are you ready?


“Every heart has its own song, uniquely attuned to who we are created to be. The world needs your one should die with their music still inside them."

Michele Hindmarsh


Before I began coaching with Michele, I was struggling with anxiety going into work, feeling overwhelmed with tasks of daily life and was frustrated with the symptoms and changes that came with my pregnancy. 

Our coaching sessions positively impacted all aspects of my life and wellbeing. I was provided the space to process through thoughts and emotions that I would have otherwise continued to suppress. This felt so freeing and taught me to be more mindful, eventually leading to less anxiety and an increased sense of happiness. I've been able to slow my mind down, be more in the moment, and as a result feel less overwhelmed and flustered by my day-to-day tasks. Overall I feel like I'm in a better space mentally which has allowed me to be more in control of my emotions and physical wellbeing. I've started climbing again, practice meditating regularly, and allow myself to listen to my body/practice self-care.

I would recommend Michele's coaching to EVERYONE! I learned the importance and effectiveness of being provided a safe space and feeling 100% heard. Her coaching fosters such deep self-discovery and is truly empowering. 

Tiffany D

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